What is Timber Frame?Modern Timber Frame structures are much more than just ‘a wooden frame’ – a common misconception. Timber frame is sophisticated, highly engineered, using modern materials, created in a weather-protected, quality-controlled environment by skilled specialists. The precision structure is strong and durable.
The basic structure of a Timber Frame house consists of a pre-manufactured timber structural kit, comprising of timber wall panels, timber flooring and roofing materials, which make up the main timber framework. The outer walls are then built using either block work or facing brick, which gives timber frame houses the same outward appearance as traditional block built houses, or modern cladding systems. Although Timber Frames are referred to as ‘lightweight construction’ it is one of the strongest and durable forms of construction used today.
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01559 384083 | salesredwoodhomes1@btconnect.com | Cartrefi Redwood Homes, Pencader, Carmarthenshre, SA39 9HL